Reading Notes Dharma Mahabharata C

(Draupadi Marries Pandavas Source: Ritsin)

Back to the Dharma Mahabharata! The Pandava marriage to Draupadi will remain one of the strangest stories that I have ever read. I've really appreciated the different love stories in the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. I think that Rama and Sita's love story is quite beautiful, although it does conform to many common cliches that exist in so many romances that I've read in my life. The Mahabharata really shakes things up with the wedding between Draupadi and all the Pandavas. On the surface, it's just really weird that this girl has to marry five brothers. It is even stranger when you learn that they are doing this because their mother has commanded it. One thing I will regret about this semester is that I never got to write a romance story about the relationship between Draupadi and her five husbands. I've written a couple of love stories between Rama and Sita, but this story would be ripe for comedy.

One thing I'm a bit disappointed in the Dharma version of the story is that it doesn't dwell much on Draupadi's point of view. If I were to write a story about her wedding, her thoughts would be front and center. I think she was really brave to accept a marriage proposal like that, and I want to know what kind of person Draupadi is to be able to accept such a marriage. Apart from that I still appreciate the narrative structure of the Dharma version of the Mahabharata. Arjuna's journies are colorfully described. I don't think I understood a thing about Krshna's storyline until I read this version. 
