Reading Notes– Princes of the Elephant City

(Image: Pandavas Source: Ancient History)

I found this retelling of the Mahabharata to be a nice refresher. The format made it a lot more like the Ramayana, except it focused on an entire family as the heroes instead of one person. I like reading book versions of the story because it maintains a consistent format and seems a bit more cohesive than the PDE format. (Although the PDE format tends to be much more informative.) It makes the story much more black and white than the PDE Mahabharata. As with the prior story, there is a great deal of emphasis on Arjuna, but he is hardly the main character of the story. He does seem to be the closest thing to the "Rama" of the story though. While I would still like to do some sort of sports-based story in the future, I still enjoy writing the romantic comedy-esque stories. The whole Draupadi situation is really ripe for comedy, and Duryodhana would be a similar sort of love-rival villain as Ravana in the story. The gambling scene still strikes me as very unique, and I would love to do research into the types of games they may be playing. 
