Week 8: Comments and Feedback

(Image: Study Cat Source: Growth Mindset Memes)

All the blog comments I've gotten so far have been very encouraging and uplifting. The shorter comments tend to be basic observations about my stories with a few nice compliments thrown in. The detailed comments tend to be more constructive, which I appreciate. These comments have pointed out a few weak areas in my writing/ storytelling, and I've implemented them in the revised drafts of my stories on my Portfolio. 

My shorter blog comments also tend to only contain things I liked about the story. I try to be critical, but I prefer to highlight the positive aspects of the story I'm reading. I've enjoyed the different comment exercises that Dr. Gibbs has had us try. These exercises have pushed me out of my comfort zone and have made me provide more constructive feedback for my classmates.  

Moving forward, I'd like to develop my ability to actually critique the story I'm writing. I'd also like to stick with the techniques Dr. Gibbs has provided in prior weeks. 
