Feedback Thoughts

(Image: Difficult News Source: Human Resources)

Article 1: Why Rejection Hurts so Much

In my opinion, there are two types of people– those who can live with rejection and those who can live with regret. I normally hold with the latter group, and this article definitely helps explain why. The immediate pain of rejection feels so real, and it makes sense that the areas in the brain associated with rejection are also associated with physical pain. It becomes a matter of self-preservation to avoid too much rejection.

Article 2: Rewire Your Self-Critical Brain 

I have an inner monologue inside my head at all times. Sometimes it's just recounting what I've observed throughout the day, or it's an analysis of a potential essay topic for school. But quite often the inner monologue turns into a harsh critique of my own actions. I've begun to realize that I criticize myself much more harshly then I should, and that I rarely take the time to congratulate myself at any point. I'll do my best to employ the REBS method in the furture– I need to start looking at the inner-critic more as a foe than a friend because it really does do more harm than good. 
